magic bullet

美 [ˌmædʒɪk ˈbʊlɪt]英 [ˌmædʒɪk ˈbʊlɪt]
  • n.(针对某种疾病的)灵丹妙药,神奇疗法;(解决某一问题的)灵丹妙药

复数: magic bullets

magic bulletmagic bullet



a medical treatment which works very quickly and effectively against a particular illness


a fast and effective solution to a serious problem

magic bullet


  • 1
    N-COUNT 魔弹 (指能快速治愈疾病的药物或疗法)
    In medicine, a magic bullet is a drug or treatment that can cure a disease quickly and completely.

  • 2
    N-COUNT (能轻松解决难题的)灵丹妙药
    A magic bullet is an easy solution to a difficult problem.

    A lot of people are looking for some sort of magic bullet that will solve this problem.



a remedy (drug or therapy or preventive) that cures or prevents a disease
there is no magic bullet against cancer


  1. Gamification is " not a magic bullet , " Werbach warns .


  2. There is no " magic bullet " when it comes to nutrition .


  3. A lot of people are looking for some sort of magic bullet that will solve this problem .


  4. Finally , keep in mind that data binding isn 't always a magic bullet .


  5. The European Central Bank has fired its magic bullet .


  6. So far there is no magic bullet for economic woe .


  7. SOA is by no means a magic bullet that instantly solves every enterprise IT architecture problem .


  8. VLIW isn 't a magic bullet , but it 's the new wave in microprocessor design .


  9. Though no one has found a magic bullet , some European publishers have found ways to meet the challenges .


  10. There is no magic bullet in financial policymaking , and no single reform will set things right forever .


  11. My firecrackers also is very beautiful , but the most good-looking to several magic bullet .


  12. Cap-and-trade legislation that sets a price on carbon emissions would not be a magic bullet for solar either .


  13. Every gain in the fight against AIDS raises hope that a magic bullet can be fashioned to cure the disease .


  14. But he cautions that it should not be considered a " magic bullet " in the fight against cancer .


  15. I don 't think that any candidate has a magic bullet or a bandage solution that 's going to solve the entire problem .


  16. There is no magic bullet in dieting .


  17. You know that Ajax apps don 't have to use XML , and that XML isn 't some sort of magic bullet for data transfer .


  18. The bottom line is that JSON isn 't some sort of magic bullet ; it is , however , a great option for some very specific situations .


  19. Even if SOA is not a magic bullet , there is tremendous value to working toward the SOA vision and achieving just some of its ideals .


  20. E-government is no magic bullet , but it gives citizens and lobby groups more power to scrutinise government and highlight waste and dishonesty .


  21. We developed , if you like , a magic bullet that goes right to one of the main organs of the parasite and kills it very very effectively .


  22. Keep it in mind the next time you 're facing an intractable performance optimization problem & it may just be the magic bullet that can save you a major redesign .


  23. Do you think one of the hurdles that needs to be overcome at this time is the idea of a key risk factor or a magic bullet treatment so-to-speak ?


  24. " Let me be clear-there is no magic bullet , no one climate agreement that will solve everything right now ," she said in a statement ahead of this week 's talks .


  25. A country can still prosper , and indeed become a superpower without a fair or exemplary health system , as the US demonstrates , and certainly there is no magic bullet to fix China 's problems .


  26. This article does not advocate MPT as a " magic bullet " for complex problems of software economics , nor does it treat the more detailed mathematics and algorithms that are required to fully apply it .


  27. More sponsoring may lead to more and faster promotions for women , but it is not a magic bullet : There is still much to do to close the gap between men 's and women 's advancement .


  28. When we review the history of mass communicational effects from the standpoint of information types , we will find that The Magic Bullet Theory , The Limited Effects Theory and The Strong Effects Theory are correct . They do not replace each other but complement each other .


  29. The consensus this year is the same as it was then : The slash-and-burn techniques used in Indonesia 's palm oil industry are continuing unabated , and there is no magic bullet for ending the practice - or the haze it causes - in the short term .
